Take a look behind the scenes

 of #refineworld You are ready to make the switch from theory to execution and are looking to create maximized value in all your building endavours? Here, please find our most up to date workshop schedule for topics like integrated project execution, BIM and lean construction as well as additional information and exciting content. Let's revolutionize construction together!

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), Lean Construction und Building Information Modeling (BIM) refine Lean Experience Day - our workshops

Integrating Lean Thinking into one's own company is a huge challenge. The key to perfect process execution therefore lies in the simplicity of the applied method.

In our workshop series entitled refinery, we will show you how construction processes can be designed effectively and efficiently using the principles of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), Lean Construction and Building Information Modeling (BIM). During the one-day workshop, our experienced civil and industrial engineers will not only introduce you to Lean principles, but also show you how to integrate them directly into your own projects. The participation fee is 750 € plus VAT. If you register up to 4 weeks before the event, an early bird price of 650 € plus VAT applies.

Are you interested in the topic of Lean and its possibilities? 

contact us for time and date

listen to our podcast refine your mindset.

your project is as individual as our options to help. get in touch with us